Patterns and trends of land use and land cover on Atlantic and Gulf Coast barrier islands [unknown]

Harry F. Lins
1980 USGS professional paper   unpublished
___________________________________________ Introduction ________________________________________ Methodology ________________________________ Data description and regional analysis ___________________ Statistical significance ________________________________ Conclusions _____________________ 1 1 2 2 10 11 Page References ________________________ ___ 12 Appendices ____________ 13 I Tables (9-27) summarize area values of land use and land cover on Atlantic and Gulf coast barrier islands, 1945-55
more » ... and 1972-75, with changes. II Land use and land cover maps (figs. 2-125) of Atlantic and Gulf coast barrier islands, 1972-75. TABLES Page TABLE 1. Land use and land cover classification system for use with remotely sensed data _________________ 2. Area values of Level I land use and land cover on barrier islands for 1945-55, by State ____________ 3. Area values of Level I land use and land cover on barrier islands for 1972-75, by State ____________ 4. Changes in area values of Level I land use and land cover on barrier islands between 1945-55 and 1972-75, by State ___________________________ 5. Area values of Level I land use and land cover on barrier islands for 1945-55, by regional group ____ 6. Area values of Level I land use and land cover on barrier islands for 1972-75, by regional group ____ 7. Changes in area values of Level I land use and land cover on barrier islands between 1945-55 and 1972-75, by regional group ____________________ 8. Statistical significance of land use and land cover area changes by regional group ________________ Page
doi:10.3133/pp1156 fatcat:o7spvmagljamxdv3f7g7kiyrdq