A Review: Bilateral Filter for Real Time Image De-noising

Priyanka D. Patil, Dr. Anil D.Kumbhar
2015 International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering  
Bilateral filtering has gained a high awareness level in medical image processing and non-destructive testing. Bilateral filtering method is that it allows for considering both the spatial locality and neighbouring points with similar amplitudes at the same time which make it can better preserving the image edges and textures than the conventional linear filtering algorithms. This paper illustrates the survey of Adaptive Bilateral Filter (ABF), Local Tone Mapping(TM), and Lazy Sliding Window
more » ... SIMD Architectures, Histogram-Based Bilateral Filtering (BF), FPGA Vision and SNRP Network Protocol, Pulse Coupled Neural Network (PCNN). In this paper a spatially adaptive bilateral filtering image de-noising algorithm with low computational complexity is proposed.
doi:10.15662/ijareeie.2015.0402017 fatcat:wyqf55gnpnhdhpbsh4a4lzcuna