Experiences of usage of digital reactivity meters and reactor physics data processors

1990 Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan  
In Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs), reactor physics tests are performed at not only initial startup but also refuelings to verify the nuclear design and to assure safe operation. During these tests, core physics characteristics which are not required to measure during normal operation are measured, which necessitate us of instruments for core physics tests. Conventionally, these instruments have been mainly consisted of analogue devices and the data reduction and preparation of tests reports
more » ... ave been done manually. Therefore the procedures are sometimes complicated. In order to improve such situations, we tried to digitalize these procedures. At present we completed the developmental efforts and have used these procedures for several years. Thus we will report our experiences of the usages of the digitalized core physics tests procedures.
doi:10.3327/jaesj.32.285 fatcat:gafkoyf7sbdhpjer5wcxkluu4a