A Review of Ultra-Short Soliton Pulse Generation Using InGaAsP/InP Microring Resonator (MRR) Systems

I. S. Amiri
2015 American Journal of Networks and Communications  
System of microring resonators (MRRs) incorporating with an add/drop MRR system are presented to generate single and multi-temporal and spatial ultra-short soliton pulses applicable in optical soliton communications. The chaotic signals caused by the nonlinear condition could be generated and propagated within the system. The Kerr effect in the MRR system induces the nonlinearity condition. The proposed MRR systems are used to generate ultra-short soliton pulse within the system. Using the
more » ... priate MRR parameters, ultra-short spatial and temporal signals are generated spreading over the spectrum. In this work, narrow soliton pulses could be localized within the proposed systems. Here soliton pulses of 0.7 ps, 0.83 fs and 19 pm are generated using series of MRRs connected to an add/drop MRR system. The nonlinear refractive index is n 2 =2.2 x 10 -17 m 2 /W. Using the panda ring resonator system, the ultra-short soliton pulses with full width at half maximum (FWHM) and free spectral range (FSR) of 5 MHz and 2 GHz, were generated at the throughput port. The output signals pulses with FWHM of 10 MHz and FSR of 2 GHz could be obtained at the drop port of the system. As second results using this system, multi-carrier soliton pulses with FWHM=20 MHz are localized within this system with respect to 20,000 roundtrips of the input pulse. Localized optical tweezers could be generated using the half-Panda MRR system, where the peaks have FWHM and FSR of 8.9 nm and 50 nm respectively. The nonlinear refractive index was selected to n 2 =2.5×10 -17 m 2 /W.
doi:10.11648/j.ajnc.s.2015040201.12 fatcat:ksfqkbn4sfdptiodbh6n4ym2ya