Share-Ownership Distribution and Extraction Rate of Petroleum in Oil Fields Структура акционерного капитала и степень эксплуатации нефтяных месторождений

Laura Marsiliani, Xiaoyan Liu
2017 Review of Business and Economics Studies   unpublished
We investigate the role of ownership distribution in determining the extraction rates of oil fields. We formulate an empirical equation where the percentage stake of the largest licensee and the percentage share held by the largest shareholder in the dominant company enter as dependent variables. Our sample consists of 44 oil fields in UK Continental Shelf over the period 1997-2001. We employ both fixed-effects and random-effects panel data models. The main results show that the share ownership
more » ... of the largest licensee and the largest shareholder of its multinational company both have a positive and significant effect on the extraction rate. Moreover, we confirm the role of typical control variables: pay thickness has negative impact on the extraction rate, while remaining reserves are positively correlated with extraction rate. The sensitivity analysis shows that our results are robust to alterative sample selections and model specifications. Аннотация. В работе исследуется роль структуры собственности в определении степени эксплуатации нефтяных месторождений. С этой целью сформулировано эмпирическое уравнение, где процентная доля акций крупнейшего лицензиата и процентная доля крупнейшего акционера в доминирующей компании были введены в качестве зависимых переменных. Наша выборка состоит из 44 месторождений нефти на британском континентальном шельфе 43