Lessons in sustainability: The re-imagination of integrated care in Ontario, Canada

Gayathri Embuldeniya, Jennifer Gutberg, Maritt Kirst, Kevin Walker, Walter P. Wodchis
2019 International Journal of Integrated Care  
Faced with rising healthcare costs and systemic inefficiencies, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) selected six programs, each a collection of acute/ post-acute care organizations, to implement bundled care across the province of Ontario, Canada in 2015. A single team provided patient care from hospital to home over 60 days while program partners shared funds, hoping that shorter hospital stays would lead to better patient outcomes and cost savings. Focusing on three Chronic
more » ... ructive Pulmonary Disease and Congestive Heart Failure programs, we examine a) how unique challenges encountered within programs changed over time, and generated ideas and practices and that may help when spreading and scaling similar models and b) how stakeholder visions of sustainability spatially and temporally reimagine integrated care.
doi:10.5334/ijic.s3434 fatcat:skabk2i75nav7hx3lp3fsyqb24