Principles of Disease Management in Fruit Crops

Thind S K
2017 International Clinical Pathology Journal  
Submit Manuscript | apple scab, mango malformation, guava wilt, fire blights, banana bunchy top and wilt, brown rots of stone fruits, crown galls, downy and powdery mildews are the destructive fruit diseases causing huge losses to the fruit industry worldwide. 1 Intensive agriculture provides greatest opportunities for the buildup of many new diseases and insect-pests. Plant protection mainly aims to attain maximum yield by keeping the crops healthy and preventing the
more » ... osses occurring from diseases and insect-pests. The successful and profitable fruit industry largely depends on the adoption of improved scientific agricultural technology. A principle of plant disease management broadly includes preventive measures and curative measures that cure the plants suffering from diseases. But none of the control methods when applied individually provide satisfactory and effective disease control. Hence, Integrated Disease Management (IDM) is the complete solution of all the disease problems. This chapter describes the role and application of plant pathology to horticulture in managing diseases of fruit crops. The intended scientific information will be beneficial to the students, scientists, researchers, planners and extension personnel for better understanding of various plant protection methods. This better understanding will lead to boost the world fruit industry for prosperity. Cause of plant disease Plant diseases on the basis of causal factors mainly grouped into three types namely parasitic (fungi, bacteria, mycoplasma and spiroplasmas, nematodes, algae, protozoa, parasitic flowering plants) non-parasitic (a biotic agents such as unfavorable weather conditions, nutritional deficiency, air pollution and many edaphic conditions) and viral diseases. [2] [3] [4] [5] 7 The dimensions used in measurement of fungi and
doi:10.15406/icpjl.2017.04.00109 fatcat:4jsmre7otzgppirpl5py55nr24