Turnover in Accounting Firm

Qiannan Lu
2022 Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research   unpublished
This study reviews and synthesizes the literature investigating employee turnover in accounting firms. Prior studies in turnover contain several perspectives, and there are three main factors, including organization justice, career growth, market demand for employees. Salary and gender may affect employees' justice and lead employees to change their minds. Besides, future career growth also has a cause-effect of employee turnover. Moreover, market demand for different employees will drive a
more » ... over trend, and employees may follow the market trend to change their working environment. This paper proposes that standing on the employee-side will weak the rate of employee turnover. Specifically, efficient training and a complete bonus system can benefit the current satiation. Results of the current analysis suggest that the traditional version and the market changes will drive employees' intention.
doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.220603.137 fatcat:25tbq7wst5anzfbgyfrdqjst6a