Process Simulation of Fiber Reinforced Plastics

Kazushi SEKINE, Tsuyoshi OZAKI
2012 Materials System  
Mechanical properties and dimensional accuracy of FRP parts depend on molding process. In this study, a simulation method considering molding process to predict those of FRP parts has been developed. In this paper, new parameters of the simulation method to predict the stiffness and the strength of a co-cured honeycomb sandwich structure were proposed. The new parameters were acquired experimentally by evaluating the proportions of the strength and stiffness of a CFRP faceskin/aluminum
more » ... sandwich panels molded by co-cure to those of them molded by pre-cure. In addition, the relationships between the dimple depths of the CFRP faceskins and the strength of the aluminum honeycomb sandwich panels were investigated experimentally to prepare the parameters more efficiently.
doi:10.34401/zairyosystem.30.0_53 fatcat:4qva5lv4bvdrphz2n6sra36qbi