M. Elhefny, M. Elmogy, A. Elfetouh, F. Badria
2016 International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Information Sciences  
Obesity has a tight relationship with increased risks of different cancer types, such as Colorectal, Ovarian, Female Breast, Gallbladder, Adenocarcinoma, Kidney (Renal-Cell), Liver, and Pancreatic. It can also lead to some other diseases like diabetes and heart diseases. This paperproposes a fuzzy ontology that is based on OWL 2to represent the Obesity Related Cancer (ORC) domain knowledge. The diseases taxonomy isconstructed using the standard Disease Ontology. The presented FuzzyOntology
more » ... des more concepts than in crisp one and copes with the domain linguistic variables. It allows the users to query the Fuzzy Dl reasoner for element and get them back the fuzzy ontology for that element. It is expected to be good practice for ontologists and knowledge engineers in medical field aiding them to solve the overlapping concepts, linguistic variables, and reasoning problems by building their fuzzy ontologies. Building FOORC as an open ontology is a first attempt to organize information related to the obesity and cancer diseases in a formalized, structured manner that both physicians and intelligent systems can exploit it in knowledge sharing, reusability, and reasoning.
doi:10.21608/ijicis.2016.19833 fatcat:bmewuvf3inhx5c4kixeqijqs44