The Nanaimo Free Press [Monday, June 13, 1910]
(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
IjtWS GOING < §N m 10 t'KOWIl Uii KOASTf-fciliililtlilllli : At two o'clock the fUiwM ere im-T dar control. The deed are at that' X AMfNDNENTS T cm JtlOOdg th?. « tewled with BMU>7 pathetic Inddente. T^y a. girl or Jewtoh l lrlli. who " orders expelled, jonewd *te advieera. end altar Maealtation the Coed MiM iUKulation Act. tq^u which henre bead ' 'Qia dwa^Uwnt of muMe. throng a view to e the aM :,mm Ih » the Herald building there \nav __ ______ about 800 employees all told, most ^ expresi tilB
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... iHth «del Inepecton^^o^ Vlaee Shepo( them being nearer the frort ot the ^ ^ taken to h0td. proppead ewal tep^>rtaiit forte." Moatteal-June 13.-l'he Herald how many it U Impossible «. yet to j'lrn^b^lor Tl-®*" was picked np .UII a-ea-dmwrt. to th. axl, building was wrecked this afternoon state. ulTbat ineenelbla Inquiry devel-nho* rsgdUUooe. . It speedU; igr the collapte oi a water tank, fol-hospitals, the injurod, who at ^he death llet would have ooen very j ^ sulTertog veloped that, eome d, the aqisad-nilet Depot* -lowed by fire. It Is practically Im-three o'clock numbered nine lay, much larger. -^..Uacholla aMats werwUkdy to pro.'oke oPPoai-Mr p' H Tlhinbiw^ dnet I■li■f1ll« *e.ition.whiioj^iuw«^ t of them are girls emiiloyod in troi*e. possession of the deetroj-ed pull residence ao gars noUcd. of further amaad-coal mining oanune In the pdn«1na, ■ ' a The .missing, who are probably h«. nwnte. to-order therefore that M Mr. Tohnie' came np fr.«;T|etorld tr^^nV Taylor, this year. W ero«tde agalniit the dew. the In conler«e ' with .'STugh thfboSdmg.^ ^r^"t;^ntTfuTat"LLh residing.ln thi. city con'in-operator.,. «kI .that the bset Inter-Mr. Shepherd. prrai«i4 l-«-At J1.20 this forenoon firemoa. "nH«r .-nnfroi __ i. .a.. .. ..L-»••• 'Those who cannot estahllMi o*te of the tednere should be conwdt-hdiMgaF)-. thqr hft.this,■*«».* 1,01th ireat dliH^lty., pun., h:d'""nr^"e:ti.^" S "'rl"*?.. right to. remain ar. heingrod. -^on.on the blH was poetptmed tor th. mine, at Exten,!?-. and I out of the niins.. by IkmIii Ihr-jw-.Vlihoiigh completely under ccmtrol -__________ ", =■ lli but they are terriblv manglcil. and «"rf. u i. bv the orUrieal Jewish sogregatioB -to Act to Oa the sight was « horrible on-us the ^ of those pllned " •'""'1'^ S*"!. were at ^ , _ victims were being moved on stretch-drowned hv the .len-^-ork. Moat of these were ln| : rs to the amt.ulumes which were ".hich wrn> fore part of the flat so that lurried to '^he^o^.^tels as fast as building. death list .was somewhat madifled. « MontreuI, .June 13.-Today Below the bindery la the sterootjTilng > >»W as the only dletrlcl within which «»e Coal Mi«« Hogntatto. Act «k» a. the iriimber. of the race ml^ht hold re-, Amending.eete." The e«t«e have «i.