Weinberg angle without grand unification

T. Moroi, Hitoshi Murayama, T. Yanagida
1993 Physical Review D, Particles and fields  
We assume that strong and electroweak interactions become strong at very high energies. With this assumption, we compute the low-energy gauge coupling constants α_i (m_Z) as a function of the cutoff scale, taking the supersymmetric standard model with 3+2n families of quark and lepton multiplets. We find that only the five family case (n=1) is consistent with the experimental values of the gauge coupling constants. This suggests the presence of a pair of families at ∼ 1 TeV.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.48.r2995 pmid:10016612 fatcat:adnnbzde6rfxhhzy7p3r5gye3a