Studies On The Physico-Chemical Parameters Of Dantaramakki Pond Water In Chikmagalur, Karnataka

K. N. Narasimha Murthy, Kishore N Gujjar, B. R. Kiran
2017 Zenodo  
In the present study an attempt has been made to find out the water quality of Dantaramakki pond in Chikmagalur, Karnataka during August and September 2016. The study wasconductedtomeasurevariousphysico-chemicalparameterslike temperature, pH, electricalconductivity, freecarbon dioxide, chloride, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, total hardness and radon. The investigation revealed that there is a mesotrophic status of the studied pond and hence, preventive measures are
more » ... required to avoid further deterioration of the pond water quality. The estimated water quality parameters were compared with the WHO and BIS standards.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.583443 fatcat:3ot76ldl25anvbg553lk2uhwgu