A Bibliometric Review of the Mathematics Journal

Hansin Bilgili, Chwen Sheu
2022 Mathematics  
In this study, we conduct a bibliometric review of the Mathematics journal to map its thematic structure, and to identify major research trends for future research to build on. Our review focuses primarily on the bibliometric clusters derived from an application of a bibliographic coupling algorithm and offers insights into how studies included in the review sample relate to one another to form coherent research streams. We combine this analysis with keyword frequency and topic modeling
more » ... to reveal the discourse that is taking place in the journal more recently. We believe that a systematic/computer-assisted review of the Mathematics journal can open a path for new developments and discoveries in research and help editors assess the performance and historic evolution of the journal and predict future developments. In so doing, the findings should advance our cumulative understanding in those areas consistent with the scope of the Mathematics journal, such as applied mathematics, analytics, and computational sciences.
doi:10.3390/math10152701 fatcat:e6l57wrpcvdixbk23h7ka6ywpm