Simultaneous Use of 3 D Locking Square Plate and 2 Mm Straight Miniplate for Mandibular Fracture: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Akshay Kumar, Dhrittiman Pathak, Amit Kumar Verma, Pramod Kumar Yadav
2020 International Research in Medical and Health Science  
Champy plates are becoming more and more accepted for the fixation of simple mandibular fractures. Champy plates have the following advantages over other metbods: the plates are small, flexible, easily adaptable and the monocortical screws allow a rapid surgical application. This case report and literature review examined the use of a locking bone plate/screw system for use in mandibular surgery. The use of a locking plate/screw system was found to be simple, and it offers advantages over
more » ... tional bone plates by not requiring the plate to be compressed to the bone to provide stability.
doi:10.36437/irmhs.2020.3.1.e fatcat:ubi44ymvobdqpapsqviyiapmue