Evaluating the coefficient of thermal expansion of additive manufactured AlSi10Mg using microwave techniques

Richard Gumbleton, Jerome A. Cuenca, Georgina M. Klemencic, Nick Jones, Adrian Porch
2019 Additive Manufacturing  
In this paper we have used laser powder bed fusion (PBF) to manufacture and characterize metal microwave components. Here we focus on a 2.5 GHz microwave cavity resonator, manufactured by PBF from the alloy AlSi10Mg. Of particular interest is its thermal expansion coefficient, especially since many microwave applications for PBF produced components will be in satellite systems where extreme ranges of temperature are experienced. We exploit the inherent resonant frequency dependence on cavity
more » ... metry, using a number of TM cavity modes, to determine the thermal expansion coefficient over the temperature range 6-450 K. Our results compare well with literature values and show that the material under test exhibits lower thermal expansion when compared with a bulk aluminium alloy alternative (6063).
doi:10.1016/j.addma.2019.100841 fatcat:kukumvi6vjdvnooyg2ugtimaa4