Quantitation of red blood cell-associated IgG in autoimmnune hemolytic anemia of warm type by an immunoradiometric assay

Toshinori Omi, Eiji Kajii, Takashi Oyamada, Toyomi Kamesaki, Shigenori Ikemoto
1992 Journal of the Japan Society of Blood Transfusion  
A sensitive immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) was used to quantitate the amount of red blood cell-associated IgG (RBC-IgG).The mean RBC-IgG of 91 healthy volunteers was 33± 13 (SD) molecules per one RBC.The correlation between the agglutination strength in antiglobulin test and the number of IgG were very satisfactry.We also tested the amount of RBC-IgG of 27 patients with immune hemolytic anemia of warm type (AIHA).(AIHA, n=17; RBCs with positive antiglobulin test, n=2; RBCs with negative
more » ... ulin test, n=8; eluates from patients' RBCs).The mean RBC-IgG of 17 patients with antiglobulin test positive AIHA was 998 f 930 (SD) molecules per one RBC.It was ranged from 257 to 3000 molecules per one RBC.Two patients with antiglobulin test negative AIHA (7.4%, 2/27) had 138 and 172 IgG molecules per one RBC, respectively.The indirect antiglobulin tests of RBCs sensitized with 8 eluates showed positive.The RBC-IgG of sensitized RBCs was higher than that of RBCs from healthy volunteers.Using this assay, quantitative studies of RBC-IgG was extremely useful for the detection of small amount of IgG on RBC in case of the antiglobulin test negative AIHA.
doi:10.3925/jjtc1958.38.601 fatcat:kml6b5hpw5ajdlvs2dlrhqcdde