Study on the Water in Lignite by DSC

You Li, Shouyu Zhang, Menghao Zhao, Qing Mao, Yunlong Yao, Jingning Yang, L. Zhao, A. Xavior, J. Cai, L. You
2017 MATEC Web of Conferences  
As pointed out in several previous works, new drying technologies must be developed to ensure lignite remained competitive. In order to design and test them, it was needed to have a better understanding of the characters of water in lignite. Using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), three types of the water storing in the lignite were determined from congelation character. The contents of the free water and bound water were experimentally measured from their heats of congelation,
more » ... ly. The results shows that the congelation temperature and the freezing heat per weight unit of the bound water vary in different types of lignite. It is deduced that the bound water in lignite can reflect the character of lignite. Besides, the total water content of free water and bound water is less than that measured by fully drying at 105 o C. Therefore, it is deduced that there is a kind of water not frozen in the lignite, possibly because its molecular cluster is too small.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201710002005 fatcat:jppa6dfdazf75jkyc4bdjx4pna