Integration of Graphene on AlN Based High Frequency Resonators and Their Functionalization for Biosensing

Bruno Marco, Lorena Gordillo, José Miguel Escolano, Jimena Olivares, Marta Clement, Diego Mejias, Enrique Iborra
2017 Proceedings (MDPI)  
We present the successful integration of graphene on top of AlN-based solidly mounted resonators (SMRs), using a low temperature CVD process and Ni layers as catalyst. We develop a protocol to functionalize the surface of the resonators that starts with a low damage O2 radical plasma treatment of the surface of the devices that introduces a controlled density of defects on the graphene. Then, EDC/NHS chemistry is used to covalently bond streptavidin molecules to the surface of the sensors.
more » ... ly, the functionalised biosensors are assessed by analysing their response to biotinylated antibodies.
doi:10.3390/proceedings1040539 fatcat:72utfzrd2zgqth5r4xjse2cyce