European cinema in the languages of stateless and small nations [report]
Cine europeo en lenguas de naciones sin estado y pequeñas naciones

M Ledo Andión, AM López Gómez, M Pérez Pereiro
2016 unpublished
EN] Introduction. This article deals with the recent incorporation within the field of academic reflection bearing a variety of termsthe cinema of small nations, identity, in minority/minorised languages; the reconceptualisation of the term national cinema, which is symptomatic of the multiplicity of practices of surviving languages; and a discussion of EU policy on two fronts, linguistic and film. Method. This point relates to measures dealing with original version and original version with
more » ... titles and the difficult political transformation in cultural, identity and ideological issues, forged over long periods, which exceed the constitution of the European Union. The way in which they are handled politically, in the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, or in a presentation by the Committee on Culture and Education to the European Parliament, is limited and paradoxical. Results and Discussion. Finally, we will contrast EU policy with recent institutional policies in Galicia, Wales and Finland. the need for a revision of the scholarly literature, from Higson to Duncan Petrie, Mette Hjort, Bergfelder, Christie or Isabelle Le Corff, in order to arrive at a critical understanding of the current state of cinema in "minor languages" with view to determining its discursive and geopolitical specificity. Consistent with this and the objective we have set ourselves in the project "Towards the European Digital Space: the role of small cinemas in original version" (ref. CSO2012-35784), is the mapping and identification of new visions; localising aspects symptomatic of recent policies, whether at a European, national or local level, and contrast these with practice using a number of case studies.
doi:10.4185/rlcs-2016-1097en fatcat:7435lcd3jnhdtb66fbgboxwafa