Dust measurement and control in thick seam mining [chapter]

H Wu, A Gillies
2002 Mine Ventilation  
Australia is mining at greater seam thicknesses than most similar western countries and particularly the US. The approaches developed by other countries and previous research and innovation are not necessarily directly transferable. Furthermore, the increasing scale of production in thick seam longwalls challenges the maintenance of safe and healthy face environments in Australian collieries. High production rates, longer faces and higher ventilation quantities and velocities further exacerbate
more » ... dustiness. An ACARP funded scoping study has been undertaken to examine dust problems that are being faced by Australian thick seam longwall mine operators, evaluate options and recommend priorities for improvement. The study involved a number of stages. A detailed survey of six Australian thick seam mine operators to identify individual mine issues was undertaken. A comprehensive literature review, with emphasis on publications from the last ten years was undertaken on Australian and foreign developments. Views and advice from recognised dust experts both within Australia and overseas were sought. Some approaches to assessment of dust compliance and analysis of trends exhibited were undertaken. Both analysis and evaluation were undertaken on some options for improvement. This paper describes details of the questionnaire survey of six Australian thick seam miners operators to identify individual mine issues related to dust measurements and controls. It also presents some potential thick seam longwall dust issues based on the analysis of dust survey results from both published US data and from Joint Coal Board data.
doi:10.1201/9781439833742.ch83 fatcat:dtzmjn4v5nhbdklcm232qob6a4