Trust without touch

Jun Zheng, Nathan Bos, Judith S. Olson, Gary M. Olson
2001 CHI '01 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '01  
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is thought to be inadequate when one needs to establish trust. Rocco [4] found, for example, that discussions about agreements conducted over email were far less successful in engendering trust than those conducted face-to-face. But, if the participants met and did a team building exercise before the real task, trust was shown in spite of only having email to talk during the task. Here we show that if participants do not meet beforehand but rather engage in
more » ... a text chat where they are told to "get to know each other" for a brief period, they show the same kinds of trust that you find when they meet beforehand face-to-face.
doi:10.1145/634067.634241 dblp:conf/chi/ZhengBOO01 fatcat:3g2sw3rearhszixjd4txwwj7hy