Work stress and hair cortisol levels among workers in a Bangladeshi ready-made garment factory – Results from a cross-sectional study

Maria Steinisch, Rita Yusuf, Jian Li, Tobias Stalder, Jos A. Bosch, Omar Rahman, Christian Strümpell, Hasan Ashraf, Joachim E. Fischer, Adrian Loerbroks
2014 Psychoneuroendocrinology  
KEYWORDS Work stress; Summary Evidence on the association of work stress with cortisol levels is inconsistent and mostly stems from Western countries, with limited generalizability to other regions of the * Corresponding author at
doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2014.08.001 pmid:25199982 fatcat:3sexmwcvq5b3dcxq5fdnvbrtca