21st Century Schooling: Engaging Critical Need Teachers in Discourse on Classroom Management and Discipline

Marjorie Hall Haley, Sherry L. Steeley, Sarah Eqab
2015 US-China Education Review. A  
There is an increased demand for Arabic and Chinese language teachers across the country. The majority of these teachers are faced with the daunting realization that teaching in United States (U.S.) schools is tremendously different from their own schooling experiences. This study specifically focused on classroom management and discipline and examined how teachers address the challenges of working across languages and cultures of U.S. schooling. Research questions examined cross-cultural
more » ... and classroom management, school culture and cultural differences, and teacher identity. Through a carefully designed sequence of blended learning activities, this study provided participants multiple opportunities to explore and examine introspectively critical considerations that directly influence transitioning to teaching in a learner-centered classroom utilizing various classroom management skills and strategies with millennial learners. Data collection instruments included two online surveys, a group interview, and online discussion board threads. Results indicate that critical need teachers face unique obstacles and challenges when transitioning into U.S. schools. Teachers actively addressed the process of reconciling the duality of their culture (and school culture) of origin with the U.S. classroom context, both in terms of incorporating their culture of origin and building upon it to address the needs of U.S. students.
doi:10.17265/2161-623x/2015.04a.002 fatcat:csq2s6qi3je63e622yglvbz5xa