Heat of formation of potassium calcium silicate

E.S. Newman
1959 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards  
The hea ts of solution of 2QaO .Si02. (e, (3), CaS04 (e, anhy drite), 1(2S04 (e, II) and s ix members of a senes of s ubstitutIOnal solId solutIOns of K 20 in diea leium s ilicate were detel'mined in a nitric-hydrofluoric acid mixture by m eans of an isothcrmal-jacke t calorimete r. From these data and heats of formation t aken fr om the literat ure t h e h eat of formation of K20·23CaO ·12Si02 (c) was calculated to be -6,420 kilocalories p~r mole at 25° C.
doi:10.6028/jres.062.036 fatcat:lkoopxhktvf5bhkebxrvpuvv3y