Multiple description perceptual audio coding with correlating transforms

R. Arean, J. Kovacevic, V.K. Goyal
2000 IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing  
In audio communication over a lossy packet network, concealment techniques are used to mitigate the effects of lost packets. This concealment is markedly improved if the compressed representation retains redundancy to aid in the estimation of lost information. A perceptual audio coder employing multiple description correlating transforms demonstrates this phenomenon. Index Terms-Audio coding, multiple descriptions, packetized audio, robust communication. Jelena Kovacević (S'88-M'91-SM'96)
more » ... ed the Dipl.Electr.Eng. degree from the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in 1986, and the M.S.
doi:10.1109/89.824698 fatcat:bzicf3m42rccjnjawne4rt2d2a