Short Communication Molecular conservation of the mammalian leptin protein

J.E. Gabriel, K.C.F. Lidani
2015 Genetics and Molecular Research  
In this study, we comparatively assessed multiple sequences of the leptin protein from different animal species to establish new insights into conservation degree of biological sequences and evolutionary biology among mammals using computational biology tools. First, amino acid sequences of the leptin protein from Homo sapiens (human, P41159), Sus scrofa (wild pig, Q29406), Felis catus (domestic cat, Q29406), Rattus norvegicus (rat, P50596), and Mus musculus (mouse, P41160) were randomly
more » ... d in the high-quality annotated and non-redundant protein sequence database UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot. A dendogram showing the evolutionary relationships among specimens was constructed from the sequences of interest using the Mega 6.0 software with the neighbor-joining method. The resulting tree presenting the evolutionary relationships among specimens inferred from amino acid sequences of the leptin protein in mammals demonstrated 2 main branches: 1 cluster including the rat and mouse species (0.02) and a second cluster containing both
doi:10.4238/2015.january.16.9 pmid:25729957 fatcat:ocnw5rp5tfglthk2qb7m2wd3fq