Floristic Study of Neunggyeong-bong (Pyeongchang-gun, Gangneung-si) in Korea
능경봉(평창군, 강릉시)의 관속식물상

Hyun-Jun Kim, Minjung Joo, Seong-Jin Ji, Soonku So, Su Young Jung, Kae Sun Chang, Kyung Choi, Jong Cheol Yang
2015 Korean Journal of Plant Resources  
This study was carried out to investigate the vascular plants of Neunggyeong-bong, Gangwond-do, South Korea. The vascular plants that were collected 7 times from 2008 and 2013 consisted a total of 440 taxa; 75 families, 261 genera, 383 species, 4 subspecies, 48 varieties and 5 forms. Among them, 15 taxa of Korean endemic plants and 11 taxa of rare and endangered plants were included. The floristic regional indicator plants found in this area were 11 taxa of grade IV, 22 taxa of grade III.
more » ... lized plants consisted of 29 taxa that made up 6.6% of the total vascular plants in this area. Medicinal plants of the Korean Pharmacopoeia and Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia distributed in this area consisted of 60 taxa.
doi:10.7732/kjpr.2015.28.2.178 fatcat:7enhakrp2rcujkzhhaygrodnce