A Multiobjective Optimisation based Approach of PID Controller Tuning in an AVR System

Saransh Chourey
2020 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
We all know very well that there is need of PID controller tuning in an AVR system to maintain stability in transient conditions. Many soft computing techniques such as Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy logics, Optimisation and many more can be used to achieve the purpose. There can be many parameters for selecting an appropriate method such as Robustness, Accuracy, Efficiency, Time required, complexity etc. In this paper we have selected Optimisation technique just because of its less
more » ... and many options available within it. We also have many wide options in the form of a vast range of different algorithms. We have taken Multiobjective Optimisation in our study, its basic working is same as conventional optimisation techniques and difference is it allows us to achieve more than one objectives in an optimisation problem.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2020.6009 fatcat:wrajmheylrdrjpldloxohpldym