The impact of elite frames and motivated reasoning on beliefs in a global warming conspiracy: The promise and limits of trust

Kyle L Saunders
2017 Research & Politics  
Given the potential attitudinal and behavioral impact of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) conspiracy beliefs, it is important to understand their causes and moderators. Here, I engage two explanations for the variation in these beliefs: the first is the choice among elites to frame AGW using the phrase "global warming" (GW) as opposed to "climate change" (CC); the second is partisan motivated reasoning. I then develop a theory about the role of trust in moderating the impact of the two frames
more » ... on AGW conspiracy beliefs. In the case of CC, which is perceived as less severe than GW (and is therefore less identity threatening among Republicans), I hypothesize that trust will moderate hoax beliefs among Republicans. In the case of GW, where the implications of existence beliefs have more unpleasant policy consequences, motivated reasoning will "win out," and trust will not moderate conspiracy endorsement among Republicans. Results from an original question framing experiment are consistent with my hypotheses. Whereas trust is a welcome commodity to those looking to persuade citizens to support AGW-ameliorating policies, it is not a cure-all, especially in the face of elite partisan cues that edify pre-existing attitudes/identities and arouse a strong desire to engage in motivated reasoning.
doi:10.1177/2053168017717602 fatcat:oy4asrwoone77epjopn5m25eze