A Novel Fuzzy-Neural Slack-Diversifying Rule Based on Soft Computing Applications for Job Dispatching in a Wafer Fabrication Factory

Toly Chen, Richard Romanowski
2013 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
This study proposes a slack-diversifying fuzzy-neural rule to improve job dispatching in a wafer fabrication factory. Several soft computing techniques, including fuzzy classification and artificial neural network prediction, have been applied in the proposed methodology. A highly effective fuzzy-neural approach is applied to estimate the remaining cycle time of a job. This research presents empirical evidence of the relationship between the estimation accuracy and the scheduling performance.
more » ... cause dynamic maximization of the standard deviation of schedule slack has been shown to improve performance, this work applies such maximization to a slack-diversifying fuzzy-neural rule derived from a two-factor tailored nonlinear fluctuation smoothing rule for mean cycle time (2f-TNFSMCT). The effectiveness of the proposed rule was checked with a simulated case, which provided evidence of the rule's effectiveness. The findings in this research point to several directions that can be exploited in the future.
doi:10.1155/2013/980984 fatcat:ewxhpo4ihbbtjcrylfmuoch63m