Renal glomerular atrial natriuretic factor receptors in one-kidney, one clip rats

R Garcia, G Gauquelin, M Cantin, E L Schiffrin
1988 Hypertension  
One-kidney, one clip (1K1C) hypertension is often associated with an expanded plasma volume and (once the arterial clip is removed) with natriuresis. Blood pressure (BP), atrial and plasma concentrations of atrial natriuretic factor (AND, hematocrit, and renal glomerular ANF receptors were therefore studied in 1K1C rats and in their normotensive uninephrectomized controls before and after unclipping. Six hours after removal of the clip, BP was normal in the 1K1C group and plasma ANF presented a
more » ... sharp decline but was still significantly higher than in the normotensive controls, with a slight difference being evident 24 hours after unclipping. Hematocrit was lower in the 1K1C rats than in their control counterparts, but this difference tended to disappear once the clip was removed, indicating a contraction of plasma volume in these undipped 1K1C animals. The renal glomerular ANF receptor population was markedly smaller in 1K1C rats than in the uninephrectomized controls but showed a twofold increase in number and affinity 24 hours after unclipping. It is concluded that the up-regulation and enhanced affinity of glomerular ANF receptors (probably secondary to the decrease in plasma levels of ANF) may contribute to the natriuresis reported in hypertensive 1K1C animals on removal of the arterial clip. (Hypertension 11: 185-190, 1988) KEY WORDS • atrial natriuretic factor • one-kidney, one clip hypertenslqn renal glomerular atrial natriuretic factor receptors • natriuresis
doi:10.1161/01.hyp.11.2.185 pmid:2830190 fatcat:easeaxdhpzcbxjjm4cg6qij6ia