Triangle Carrier based Discontinuous PWM for Three-Level NPC Inverters

Kai Li, Min Wei, Chuan Xie, Fujin Deng, Josep M. Guerrero, Juan C. Vasquez
2018 IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics  
This paper proposes a triangle carrier based discontinuous PWM (TCB-DPWM) implement method for threelevel neutral-point-clamped (3L-NPC) inverters. The function equivalent relationship of proposed TCB-DPWM and space vector based discontinuous PWM (SVB-DPWM) is mathematically analyzed in this paper. The proposed TCB-DPWM method effectively simplified the implementation of the SVB-DPWM by injecting twice common mode voltages (CMVs) to original modulation signals, where different DPWM methods can
more » ... e easily obtained in a unified scheme by setting different values of proportional allocation factor for small vectors in different sectors. In addition, a TCB-DPWM based neutral point voltage balancing method is investigated to demonstrate its application. The polarity of the CMV injection is regulated according to the polarity of the proportional allocation factor to realize the neutral point voltage balancing. Finally, the proposed TCB-DPWM and neutral point voltage balancing method are both verified by simulation and experimental results. The results show that the proposed TCB-DPWM can effectively simplify the implementation of modulation and improve system efficiency. Index Terms-Three-level neutral-point-clamped inverter, voltage source inverter, discontinuous PWM, neutral point voltage balancing. China in 2004 and 2009, respectively. He is currently working as an associate professor with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark. His current research interests include operation, advanced hierarchical and cooperative control, optimization and energy management applied to distributed generation in AC/DC microgrids, maritime microgrids, advanced metering infrastructure, and the integration of the Internet of things and cyber-physical systems into smart grids.
doi:10.1109/jestpe.2018.2812704 fatcat:skpjzxyrrfbj7gyxkfvhvpyxoa