Ejercicio de prospectiva territorial en el municipio de Miranda-Cauca, con escenarios de futuro al 2035

Emilio José Corrales-Castillo, Benjamín Betancourt-Guerrero, Edward Andrés Benavides-Sánchez
2016). Ejercicio de prospectiva territorial en el municipio de Miranda-Cauca, con escenarios de futuro al 2035. Revista Libre Empresa, 13(1), 105-126 http://dx. Abstract The municipality of Miranda, belongs to the north of the department of Cauca, an area classified as red by the terms of security, this by determining a number of challenges ahead in the dynamics of the peace agreements and articulation of social actors, in a marked territory throughout history for its violence, this exercise
more » ... ght to develop future scenarios, which involve three possible alternatives from prospects, just as territorial actors generated a commitment stage as consensus exercise.This exercise of territorial prospective presents the use of tools for collecting contributions from actors, from a different territorial dynamics and every other time I target a consolidation of knowledge and perceptions of a territory with a look of growth, towards a better country, developing a scheme hit by several variables, a social growth bets. This exercise generated from the commitment stage strategic guidance of what to develop an area for achieving a concerted actors future.
doi:10.18041/libemp.2016.v13n1.25104 fatcat:tghsrbxxdval7pljhoqhpwntdm