3D modelling photogrammetry to support acoustic measurements and derive geometries for simulation

Josep Llorca-Bofí, Ingo Witew, Ernest Redondo, Michael Vorländer
2018 Zenodo  
The accuracy of acoustic measurement locations usually demands a correct geometrical description of the studied auditorium. Likewise, for numeric simulations the geometry of the modelled room needs to be available in appropriate detail. Relying on existing architectural drawings of the room is sometimes misleading due to inaccuracies and modifications made to the hall. In this context, photogrammetry can be a useful tool for 3D modelling based on the real scenario. Photogrammetry is a 3D
more » ... ng method based on optical information which generates a spatial mesh through triangulation. This technique can provide a user-friendly and suitable way to obtain spatial information of an existing auditorium. Based on this model, it seems obvious to use the spatial information that acoustic applications demand. Nevertheless, despite automation of the process, some challenges remain that may make it difficult to use photogrammetry as a suitable tool for acoustic purposes. The accuracy of the generated mesh and the level of detail may be low if photographic information in certain areas is sparse. These potential shortcomings must be addressed to support acoustic measurements and derive geometries for simulation. We will discuss some of the challenges users must handle to generate models suitable for acoustic applications.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2583208 fatcat:vpivx6hqhff5po2fgvxvelx3gm