Measurement and Control of Coal Pipe Temperature of Coal Mills of PF Boiler

Karunamoy Chatterjee, Sankar Narayan Mahato, Subrata Chattopadhyay
2016 International Journal of Engineering and Technology  
Power plant boiler had no arrangement of measure the coal pipe temperature in a continuous basis, though it is an important parameter for any coal fired large boiler. As pulverized coal flows through the long coal-pipe by the help of flow of hot air as a carrier, coal pipe temperature is only the measurement of the coal flow through the pipe to boiler. Low temperature indicates improper flow of pulverized coal through the pipe. So due to no continuous measurement of these parameters we can't
more » ... w about the flow profile of coal through pulveriser outlet pipes. Sometimes the pipe got choked and we were not aware of that for a long time. That caused our equipment loss i.e. we had to stop the pulveriser for a long time for de-choking the large size coal pipe. And indirectly it caused loss of power generation and also affected the economical figure of our power house. So to overcome that kind of losses we have to measure the coal pipe temperature in regular basis.
doi:10.21817/ijet/2016/v8i4/160804406 fatcat:2gzxg7xeybefrbmr5bddstq5xe