Trust and Reputation Based Seurity of MANET by Worm Hole Attack

Shabina Parbin, Leeladhar Mahor
2016 International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking  
Mobile ad-hoc network is one of the most attractive fields for research. Any new node easily entered or left the network because of this property is easily thretend by the attack. A wormhole is one of the most crucial attack of MANET in this paper, we study lots of prevention and detection technique. In our propose work we work on trust and reputation mechanism and then secure network novelity of proposed work we proof by our outcomes. More often than not, ad hoc routing protocols fall into two
more » ... classes: proactive routing protocol that depends on the periodic transmission of routing packets overhauls, and ondemand routing protocols that seek for routes only when critical. A wormhole attack is equally worse a chance for each proactive and on-demand routing protocol.
doi:10.14257/ijfgcn.2016.9.6.05 fatcat:5tp3mqs6cbb7rjtniq54rjibte