The Inclusion of Children with ASD and Special Educational Needs (SENDs) in the Greek Mainstream education system and teachers' perceptions and attitudes

Fodelianakis Antonios, Romero Andonegui Ainara, Basogain Olabe Xabier
2020 Zenodo  
This paper comprises an attempt to create a scientific basis on the inclusion processes for children with functional autism (ASD) and Special Educational Needs (SENDs) in the formal Greek education system of the 21st century as well as teachers' perceptions and attitudes. At the same time, for a better understanding of Greek educational policies, the legal background for SENDs and inclusion was sought. The role of gender, teacher's experience, the severity of the disability as well as the early
more » ... intervention were highlighted as a determining factor for the successful inclusion and development of the child with SENDs.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4424147 fatcat:ugnp7ya4wzet3hntgsyosotcvu