Multidimensional Rehabilitation in Patients with Aspiration Following Head and Neck Cancer Treatment

Young Ho Jung, Young Ju Jin
2018 Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology Phoniatrics and Logopedics  
Patients who have the head and neck cancer are usually treated by surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or combinations of them. These treatments can induce variable degree of aspiration with dysphagia. The type and severity of aspiration depends on the size and location of the original tumor, the structures involved, and the treatment modality used for treatment. The management of aspiration after the head and neck cancer's treatment begins with an accurate evaluation for the cause and
more » ... anism of aspiration through modified barium swallow (MBS) and fiberoptic endoscopic examination of swallowing (FEES). Then, the clinician can use postures, maneuvers, and exercises to treat the swallow disorder and to help the patient achieve optimal function. To achieve optimal swallowing without aspiration, multidimensional rehabilitation by various medical personnel is definitely necessary.
doi:10.22469/jkslp.2018.29.1.5 fatcat:5cll6lac7vgxpdgajynzwjtmne