A Hybrid-STATCOM with broad compensation range and lower DC-Link voltage

P Gopakumar, Tech, Jayasree
2017 International Journal of Advanced Research Methodology in Engineering & Technology   unpublished
This paper proposes a hybrid static synchronous compensator (hybrid-STATCOM) in a three-phase power transmission system that has a broad compensation range and low dc-link voltage. In this paper, the circuit configuration of traditional and capacitive STATCOM are introduced first. The system parameter design for the hybrid STATCOM is then proposed on the basis of consideration of the reactive power compensation range. Because of the low dc-link voltage, the system costs can be reduced
more » ... ly. Finally, simulation is carried out in MATLAB to verify the wide compensation range and low dc-link voltage characteristics and the good dynamic performance of the proposed hybrid-STATCOM. Keywords-hybrid static synchronous compensator (hybrid STATCOM), static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), broad compensation range, low DC-link voltage