Культурная дипломатия Китая как инструмент «мягкой силы» влияния на систему мирохозяйственных связей в период пандемии COVID-19

А.И. Погорлецкий, Сяофэн Дай
2021 Journal of International Economic Affairs  
The concept of "cultural diplomacy," refers to the exchange of ideas, information, art, and other aspects of culture among nations and their peoples in order to foster mutual understand ing. But "cultural diplomacy" can also be more of a one-way street than a two-way exchange, as when one nation concentrates its efforts on promoting the national language, explaining its policies and point of view, or "telling its story" to the rest of the world. The essay that follows has two objectives. First,
more » ... to provide a brief survey of some of the major cultural policy initiatives of the United States government from the 1930's until recent times. Second, to underscore some of the broader patterns and trends that can be discerned in America's cultural relations with other countries and other peoples.
doi:10.18334/eo.11.2.112184 fatcat:cnpljzr4rzanlmsz35kteu2qxq