On the impact of a single edge on the network coding capacity

Shirin Jalali, Michelle Effros, Tracey Ho
2011 2011 Information Theory and Applications Workshop  
In this paper, we study the effect of a single link on the capacity of a network of error-free bit pipes. More precisely, we study the change in network capacity that results when we remove a single link of capacity δ. In a recent result, we proved that if all the sources are directly available to a single supersource node, then removing a link of capacity δ cannot change the capacity region of the network by more than δ in each dimension. In this paper, we extend this result to the case of
more » ... i-source, multi-sink networks for some special network topologies.
doi:10.1109/ita.2011.5743582 dblp:conf/ita/JalaliEH11 fatcat:ecekdu5xvnce3drwqfiqkuwx5y