Tropaeum Augusti (France) and Tropaeum Traiani (Romania): A Comparative Study [chapter]

Alexandru Ș. Bologa, Ana-Maria Grămescu
2020 Heritage [Working Title]  
Two Roman trophies, Tropaeum Augusti (or Trophée des Alpes) and Tropaeum Traiani, survived the time in France and Romania. They are considered to be the birth certificates of the French and Romanian peoples. The edifices, preserved in different ways over time, are particularly attractive tourist attractions in both countries. The two monuments are not only an ancient edifice dedicated to the victories of the Romans over the defeated peoples, but it is also a summum of scientific thought, of the
more » ... age applied in the art of construction. The analysis of the technique of accomplishment of the two monuments highlights the Romans' understanding in architecture. Moreover, the two monuments stand out for the same destiny. The two edifices outline the history of the two countries. The architects applied the principles set up by Vitruvius Pollio in De architectura. The restoration works of the trophies from La Turbie and Adamclisi are emblematic. The trophies dedicated to Augustus and Trajan signify the honors devoted to the two emperors; the Romans attributed them the feeling of the deity so that the fate of the emperors is assimilated as sons of God, promised to be divine. Both trophies record the deeds of their heroes.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.90670 fatcat:v2z2ptltmrffzjsuv2c2h4omnu