Generic User Interface Model for Multi-Platform
다중플랫폼을 위한 제너릭 사용자 인터페이스 모델

Hyo-Woon Kang, Jin-Deog Kim
2014 The Journal of the Korean Institute of Information and Communication Engineering  
Smart Phone market consists of several platforms such as Windows Phone, Apple iOS and Android of Google. Each platform uses different coding style respectively. Platform-dependent application results in high cost and low code reusability during development of application. It also provides heterogeneous display forms to users. In this paper, we propose a platform-independent generic interface model that could be operated in both the various smart phones and PC. Because the proposed model
more » ... the same UI on multiple platforms, users can operate applications without awkwardness. The model includes a module which copes with the changes of the resolutions in various platforms and a module which switches scenes of each application for performance improvement. Moreover, a module which connects DB is also proposed in order to overcome the difference of way to store data in each platform. The implementation results show that the difference of display and operating manner in any hetero-platform is eliminated. 키워드 : 제너릭 인터페이스, 다중플랫폼, 코드재활용
doi:10.6109/jkiice.2014.18.12.2926 fatcat:bwtm3rhxqjdpfln4rt423gma6u