Godność ludzi wykluczonych, na peryferiach i... W 100-lecie odzyskania niepodległości przez Polskę

Andrzej Proniewski, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
2018 Studia Teologii Dogmatycznej  
The dignity of a man who fits into his subjective existence is imperishable and irreducible. It implies awareness of subjectivity, the ability to reflect, identity, historicity, freedom, autonomy of the relationship. In individual dignity, man experiences belonging to a group whose functioning is often dictated by national dignity. A hundred years of Poles' independence showed that the history of the nation affects the maintenance of the sense of individual dignity and the changing
more » ... of life, often dictated by persecution or life on the periphery of this dignity, can not threaten. In order to show the dignity carried out in the period of one hundred years of independence, the following problems have been emphasized: the principle of human dignity (1), dignity as the basis of social life (2.), dignity crippled and trampled -exile, exile, emigration, periphery (3.) in defense of dignity (4.).
doi:10.15290/std.2018.04.13 fatcat:4iyfn2oi4bawratn26i52p3eca