ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future - June 2008 [report]

JW Voyles
2008 unpublished
The purpose of this report is to provide a concise but comprehensive overview of Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility instrumentation status. The report is divided into the following five sections: (1) new instrumentation in the process of being acquired and deployed, (2) field campaigns, (3) existing instrumentation and progress on improvements or upgrades, (4) proposed future instrumentation, and (5) Small Business Innovation Research instrument development. New
more » ... ion is highlighted in blue text. iii J. Voyles, June 2008, DOE/SC-ARM/P-08-004.6
doi:10.2172/948016 fatcat:52dkejrnbngrvdgaj5pqlh2yhu