A Far-Ultraviolet Study of the Hot White Dwarf in the Dwarf Nova WW Ceti

Patrick Godon, Laura Seward, Edward M. Sion, Paula Szkody
2006 Astronomical Journal  
We present a synthetic spectral analysis of IUE archival and FUSE FUV spectra of the peculiar dwarf nova WW Ceti. During the quiescence of WW Ceti, a white dwarf with Twd=26,000K can account for the FUV flux and yields the proper distance. However, the best agreement with the observations is provided by a two-temperature white dwarf model with a cooler white dwarf at Twd=25,000K providing 75 thick disk ring) with T=40,000K contributing 25 distance. We find from the FUSE spectrum that the white
more » ... warf is rotating with a projected rotational velocity V sini = 600 km/s. Our temperature results provide an additional data point in the distribution of Twd versus orbital period above the CV period gap where few Twds are available.
doi:10.1086/501523 fatcat:4ddfqfs2crdkheghn4y6nj4knq