End-user programming to support classroom activities on small devices

Craig Prince
2008 Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, VL/HCC  
We believe it is unreasonable to assume that all students will own a laptop. One potential solution is to depend on the students to bring whatever computing devices (cell phones, portable gaming devices, etc.) that they already own to class. This leaves a unique challenge for teachers both in creating activities that work across a wide set of devices with different input modalities and in interpreting the responses to these activities. We seek to explore an end-user programming solution for
more » ... hers to abstractly define an activity for use over a diverse set of devicesallowing for easy distribution and aggregation of the resulting responses.
doi:10.1109/vlhcc.2008.4639106 dblp:conf/vl/Prince08 fatcat:xm6mklqfbfg53dy3srcu63wtay