On Determining Suitable Embedded Devices for Deep Learning Models [chapter]

Daniel Padilla, Hatem A. Rashwan, Domènec Savi Puig
2021 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications  
Deep learning (DL) networks have proven to be crucial in commercial solutions with computer vision challenges due to their abilities to extract high-level abstractions of the image data and their capabilities of being easily adapted to many applications. As a result, DL methodologies had become a de facto standard for computer vision problems yielding many new kinds of research, approaches and applications. Recently, the commercial sector is also driving to use of embedded systems to be able to
more » ... execute DL models, which has caused an important change on the DL panorama and the embedded systems themselves. Consequently, in this paper, we attempt to study the state of the art of embedded systems, such as GPUs, FPGAs and Mobile SoCs, that are able to use DL techniques, to modernize the stakeholders with the new systems available in the market. Besides, we aim at helping them to determine which of these systems can be beneficial and suitable for their applications in terms of upgradeability, price, deployment and performance.
doi:10.3233/faia210147 fatcat:k2qwasxt2bel3hupvplzhourxi