Evidence for radiative coupling of the pygmy dipole resonance to excited states

C. T. Angell, S. L. Hammond, H. J. Karwowski, J. H. Kelley, M. Krtička, E. Kwan, A. Makinaga, G. Rusev
2012 Physical Review C  
The photoabsorption cross section and ground state branching ratio of 142 Nd were measured using quasi-monoenergetic γ-ray beams at several beam energies. Two peaks corresponding to the pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) were identified. The branching ratios were compared to statisticalmodel calculations. We found that the Brink hypothesis is violated, and that the branching ratios are only reproduced by introducing a possible new decay mode of the observed PDR.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.86.051302 fatcat:ol5f2auyt5erlpu3hj4m2bndrm